Vent And Gutter Guard Partners

Vulcan Vents – Advanced Wildfire Defense

Vulcan Vents are the industry leader in fire and ember safe vents.

  • Highest airflow
  • 1-Hour fire rated
  • Trusted by Cal Fire and ICC International
  • Approved for use in all WUI zones across the United States
  • Easy retro-fit and paintable
  • Customizable for every home
FireStorm™ Gutter Guards were designed to protect homes from the danger of embers! It’s estimated that up to 90% of buildings lost in a wildfire are due to ember attacks. FireStorm™ Gutter Guards prevent this by acting as a shield, keeping embers and flammable debris out!

Our Wildfire Ember Protection sprinkler system is designed for maximum protection from ember attack on residential, commercial or public assets in the event of a fire.